Medical Marijuana Certification in Mesa
Is Medical Marijuana Right for You?
We offer confidential and professional medical marijuana evaluations. Although medical marijuana has been legalized in the State of Arizona, there are still many forms to complete and a formal letter of recommendation is required in order to be a candidate for legal use. We have a patient coordinator that will help you through the complicated process, every step of the way! We will convert all documents to the format that the state of Arizona requires to ensure a seamless and easy application process for you. Currently, there are no physical locations for the forms to be submitted. Online submission is the only method, so our services may be especially valuable to someone close to you who perhaps is unfamiliar or uncomfortable with using a computer, or perhaps with someone who has limited access to the Internet.
What’s next after you receive your card? No worries, we are here to assist you with legally obtaining your medical marijuana. We even have cannabis support groups that you can join if you like along with education classes on how to cultivate and make edible medicinal marijuana products!
Nausea, pain and muscle spasms all sound like innocuous sounding ailments, but think back to the times when you’ve had to deal with strong bouts of each of these symptoms if not all at once. Let us help you feel better!
Improving the quality of life for every patient.
For those of you that are taking the ‘wait & see’ tactic, we understand your reticence and believe that you are intelligent people who want to see how other brave pioneers are treated prior to enrolling themselves in a venture such as this. California saw the same initial trickle of consumers who were willing to assign themselves a medical use card with the proper agencies. Once the dispensaries began to offer a tangible product, the influx of petitioners for medical cards were overwhelming the system and created a major backlog in the issuing of medical use cards. Don’t let this happen to you! Act now and have your legal medical marijuana card ready at your disposal when dispensaries open in Mesa.
The first step is to complete the on-line prequalification form. Step 2, if qualified is to schedule an appointment . At your appointment your physician will review your medial history, discuss your current treatment plan along with the pros and cons of the use of medicinal marijuana. Where appropriate, other treatment options such as acupuncture or prolotherapy will be discussed.

Schedule an appointment today!